cambiar a castellano
What is the purpose of this site?

To disseminate the MAREA project and gather the remaining funds in order to be able to carry out the project in its entirety.

What is the total cost of the project?

The minimum budget required for this project is CLP $50.000.000.- (51.300 EUR). From this total amount, 43,74% is financed by the Chilean public fund Fondar 2021, 10,14% by private funds, and for the remaining 46,12% (corresponding to a minimum of CLP $22,500,000 = 23.500 EUR), we are applying to international, public and private funds, plus an artworks pre-sale of the photographs that will be at the final exhibition.

In what currency can I make a contribution?

In Chilean pesos via Banco Santander, in Euros, USD and Pounds through the support page.

To which public funds is MAREA project applying to?

We have applied to the National Fund for Cultural Development and the Arts, FONDART, 2021 open call for creation and production in visual arts. The project was awarded in the second instance.

Who is part of the MAREA project team?

The project is a symbiosis between the work of Monica Salinero and Bruno Giliberto, researcher and PhD and architect/photographer respectively, both Chilean. Monica lives in Santiago, Chile, Bruno lives in Berlin, Germany.